Knickerbocker bench

Waste trees embody the forgotten. I use them to remember.

Inspired by the quiet dignity of trees…


Log benches connect us to the earth in a unique way. They invite us to slow down our hurried pace, they make us take note of the beauty of wood, and they endure. The Knickerbocker Bench originated in New York’s historic Hudson Valley as a modern-day tribute to the classic log-on-log bench, perhaps humanity’s oldest piece of furniture. Its iconic design allows for a variety of modifications, including tables with huge mass and large seating capacity. Timothy’s designs have been used for outdoor classrooms, amphitheaters, zoos, trailside seating, and many memorials.

Knickerbocker related

  • Knickerbocker Furniture

    The Knickerbocker Bench’s unique design scales very easily, and its strong lines allow for many size and style variations on the theme, from benches with backrests, overlaps, and back-to-back versions, to the Harmony tables, which start at 10’ and can be up to 20’ or more in length.

  • Memorials

    The origins of the Knickerbocker Bench were to memorialize a fascinating historic location, and a forgotten industry that was, well, cool… It quickly started to be used as a memorial bench in the Hudson Valley, and dozens of them have had bronze plaques affixed honoring loved ones.


Contact Timothy with inquiries about the Knickerbocker bench